9 Μαρτίου 2011


ΠΕΛΜΑ ΦΘΙΝΟΠΩΡΟ 2023 🌟 Ανακάλυψε Μοναδικά σχέδια στις καλύτερες τιμές!



General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning - Ministry of National Education Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs- has planned the educational program “Education of Immigrants in the Greek language, history and culture-ODYSSEUS”. The program is implemented by the Institute for Continuing Adult Education.



The program “Education of immigrants in the Greek language, history and culture-ODYSSEUS’’ has set up for all immigrants, who live in Greece and comprises a series of lessons focused on the Greek language as well as on the Greek history and culture. The basic goal of the “Odysseus” program is to help the trainees to acquire linguistic and practical social skills as well as intercultural abilities necessary for their active social integration and the improvement of their family background.


Educational content

“Odysseus” program includes two levels, A1 (125 hours) and A2 (175 hours). More specifically:


A1 Level: it is an introductory course on the Greek language and everyday life practices, ideal for immigrants with poor prior knowledge of the Greek language. The trainees will acquire linguistic and practical social skills in order to correspond to communicational situations of everyday life, and to become familiar with the social history and culture of Greece.


A2 Level: this is an advanced course for immigrants, who have already completed successfully the A1 Level or have good knowledge of the Greek language. It includes Greek language lessons (150 hours) and history and culture lessons (25 hours). After having attended a course of A2 Level, trainees will have the opportunity to take exams in order to attain the status of long – term abiding in Greece, according to the Greek legislation


Candidates are classified to A1 or A2 Level according to a classification test. At the end of A1 or/and A2 Level vigorous assessment test take place in order to evaluate learners’ abilities. Certificate of Lifelong Training is granted upon successfully completion of both levels. Both courses are given free of charge.

Efforts will be taken to create groups of trainees on all Prevezas Prefecture. Each group will have 15-20 trainees. Lessons will take place in morning or afternoon hours according to the choice of the trainees.


Who can apply?

All immigrants, who live in Greece and are over 16 years old, either they are citizens of European Union or citizens of third countries (non-European Union countries).


How can you apply?

The immigrants, who live close to the city of Preveza, are pleased to contact ANNA PILIOU at the office of KEE , (behind the hospital )between 14.00 – 17.00  every Monday and Thursday.

Contact phone: 6972819319, Contact e-mail: electro-@otenet.gr

Those immigrants, who live in remote areas are pleased to contact the KEP of their residence.

The registration has started and is anticipated to be completed by the end of March.

Priority will be given to those who apply first as space is limited.   


Registration required documents:

A copy of the passport (all the immigrants)

A copy of the residence permission (only the immigrants from non-European Union countries)

Please, bring with you the original documents as well.


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